The Beehive is a flour sifter that requires a simple method to operate.
It can hold up to 3 cups of ingredients with measure indicators at every half cup. the bottom bowl can be detached to provide the function of dusting.
Consisting of 4 parts - 2 identical bowls, 1 mesh level, and a handle - made from a BPA-free PES plastic which is dishwasher safe, durable, & recyclable.
The interchangeable mesh levels are available in fine and coarse grades, to allow sifting and dusting of a wider variety of ingredients.
This concept has been proven in testing to be a  faster method compared to existing hand-cranked sifters that require mechanisms to do the work.
To operate, the user to shakes vertically - this utilizing the natural force of gravity to release the flour into the bottom bowl.


Flour sifter re-design.
